Samaritan’s purse has spread the love of god across the world

Have you ever thought about giving a Christmas Present to someone in need. This ministry has volunteers that pack shoe boxes of needed items and gifts so that children all across the world. Please consider being apart of this ministry. We collect boxes in November to be shipped out. Our current goals for this year are…


Postage: $1,250

Soap/Washcloth: 125


Hats/Gloves/Socks/Work Gloves: 50

Toothbrushes: 250


Each month we want to focus on a new item, so it doesn’t pile up in november. take a look at our goals, and if you would like to donate, see debbie or click here.


January: Toothbrushes, soap, washrags, comb/hairbrush, money for postage, PRAY

February: gloves, hats, socks, money for postage, PRAY

March: play dough, cookie cutters, marbles, fun toys like birthday favors, money for postage, PRAY

April: stuffed animals small, non medicated chapstick, chalk, money for postage, PRAY

May: odds and ends box fillers, calculator, ruler, eraser, jewelry

June: practical items, string for fishing, fish hooks, fish lures, sewing kits, needles, thread, material, screwdriver, hammer, nails

July: flip flops/shoes, shirt, dress, money for postage, PRAY

August: Pens/pencils/colored pencils, markers, pencil sharpeners/box, paper, glue

September: big ticket items, soccer ball/soft ball, jump rope, doll and doll clothes, etc., money for postage, PRAY

October: your picture/family, short note, homemade item, such as frame for your picture, money for postage, PRAY

November: Packing Party!!! YEAH!!!